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发表于 2018-9-10 08:54:54 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
[color=rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.298039)]小胖游学 小胖游学之路 2018-9-10
作者James 梁,一个在美国学习、生活的15岁孩子。
        Today I would like to say some heavy topics in the public account, that is, I would like to talk with you about the current situation of drug transmission in the United States on campus and my personal opinions and personal advice to parents and peers. I believe that Chinese parents will also be very interested in this!
       或许是担心。那我们先从这些学生毒品的来源渠道讲起吧!据了解(美国《纽约时报》2017年的调查文章)排在毒品来源第一位危险的是从他们家庭里兄长或大姐那里得到毒品, 可能是出于好奇心也可能是在一些成年兄长或大姐的诱惑之下, 他们会接近这些毒品。毒品来源排在第二的就是朋友之间的互相传递, 在美国有着开派对的习惯,在这些派对里很有可能会有毒品的出现,像一些学长会请来一些毒贩子。第三就是一些心存不轨的人,会刻意的在你的食物里放这些东西,然后让你染上毒瘾,不得以会去向那些拥有毒品的学生购买。最后一种情况就是一些不负责任的父母也可能是毒品来源渠道之一,那些孩子的父母就是吸毒者,无意或有意之间会给孩子机会接触到这些毒品。
        Perhaps worried. Let's start with the source of these students' drugs. It is known (the New York times's 2017 investigative article) that the number one risk is getting the drugs from older brothers or older sisters in their families, either out of curiosity or in the temptation of some adult older brothers or older sisters. The second largest source of drugs is the communication between friends. In the United States, people have the habit of holding parties, where drugs are likely to appear. For example, some seniors invite some drug dealers. The third is that some bad people will deliberately put these things in your food, and then let you become addicted to drugs so that you can't buy them from students who have drugs. Finally, irresponsible parents can also be a source of drugs. The parents of those children are drug addicts, who will give the children access to these drugs unconsciously or intentionally.
        Personally, I think the number of high school drug users in the United States should be less than that in universities. However, for the school districts that are very poor and very poor, I have no contact with them and no first-hand information. In a better middle class school district, a lot of high school students drive their own cars to school, and all I knew was that they did it for flexibility. Now I know another reason is that high school buses have students talking openly about drugs, some of them showing off their feelings. None of the people who heard it would be foolish to tell the school that so-and-so had taken drugs, because bullying is still very serious in American high schools. Falling in love in high school is normal, so the topic of sex is often mentioned on the school bus. Students who do not want to talk about it have to drive to school by themselves.

        Another thing I didn't know was that American high school students who participated in extracurricular sports activities were also exposed to drugs. Because some high-intensity, highly adversarial team sports stress team spirit, once some opinion leaders lead the team to take drugs, then every member of the team will be required to join, otherwise he will be kicked out of the team. A white friend of mine told me that the intensity of studying in American high schools depends on individual electives, so not everyone is so nervous about studying. He said that if a high school student had nothing to do all day, he would want to do something else. He used to play football in high school, but he was not an idle man. Later, he became addicted to football in the team for various reasons, which caused his grades to decline. Although he graduated and went to college this year (his drug use was not found), his grades weren't enough to apply for a scholarship.
        In fact, American school districts are deeply aware of the objectivity of the problem of drug addiction and also aware of its severity. Fortunately, the school district did not take a evasive attitude, but actively took measures. Since the fifth or sixth grade of primary school, there have been special courses to talk about drugs and their harm, and to solve the mystery of drugs, because many people start from curiosity.

       至于加州现行法律允许大麻合法化,其实主要是指用于医疗麻醉的高纯度大麻制品,并非我们上述所谈的毒品。下面我再给大家透露一些加州街头大麻的价格吧,纯度一般的是8美元一克,一次使用一般是一到两克左右(以包裹在烟里的方式吸食)。 是否要告诉学校?我个人认为没这个必要, 学校其实都清楚有学生在做这些事。大麻味道那么大,有没有学生抽大麻,保洁人员一进厕所就能知道。其实最好的方式还是要教会孩子怎么处理这些情况,能让孩子安全的拒绝这些毒品,以免发生意外。譬如:一、作为华人家长要以身作则,并且要特别留意家庭中第一个孩子的示范教育,我相信在这方面华人家长一定会做的比较好;二、在条件允许的情况下尽量居住在好的学区,这不仅事关孩子的教育问题,同样事关整个家庭的安全问题;三、关心孩子的交友状况,尽量多了解孩子朋友的家庭背景,帮助孩子谨慎交友;四、高中阶段还是要严格控制孩子参加各类派对的次数以及规定按时归家的时间;最后就是要教会孩子拒绝不符合普世价值观和社会道德底线的行为,无法拒绝时要求孩子及时向家长求助(要求来接等方式)。以上就是我对于美国毒品在学生中传播的一些现状了解,以及个人应对的一些不成熟的建议,供各位家长和同学们参考!
         As far as California's current law allows marijuana to be legalized, it refers mainly to high-purity marijuana products used for medical anesthesia, not the drugs we talked about above. Let me tell you a little bit more about the price of marijuana on the streets of California. The average is $8 a gram. Should I tell the school? Personally, I don't think it's necessary. Schools know that there are students doing these things. The smell of marijuana is so strong that if a student smokes it, the janitor will know as soon as he enters the toilet. In fact, the best way is to teach children how to handle these situations, so that children can safely refuse these drugs in case of accidents. For example: first, Chinese parents should set an example and pay special attention to the demonstration of the first child in the family. I believe Chinese parents will do better in this regard. Second, try to live in a good school district if possible. This is not only about the children's education problem, but also about the safety of the whole family. 3. Care about children's dating status, try to learn more about children's friends' family background, and help children make friends cautiously; Fourth, in high school, we still need to strictly control the number of parties children attend and the time they need to return home on time. Finally, we need to teach children to refuse behaviors that are not in line with the universal values and social moral bottom line. When they cannot refuse, they should ask their parents for help in time. The above is my understanding of the current situation of the spread of drugs in the United States among students, as well as my personal advice. Please correct me if there is anything wrong.


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