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发表于 2018-5-29 09:34:22 | 只看该作者 |只看大图 回帖奖励 |倒序浏览 |阅读模式
作者James 梁,一个在美国学习、生活的14岁孩子。
        尽管从小我就听说美国政治方面与国内有着极大的不同,这一点不仅仅体现在美国政府的运作方式中,更在众议院、参议院议员选举上的民主深深地扎入在人们的心里 。这些议员的选举是面对选民的直选,因此候选人往往会到各选区直接在选民中拉选票;也就是因为这样我才能有幸旁观由加州尔湾华裔青少年组织“华裔未来领袖孵化器”的策划和主导下,上周六(5月5日)在尔湾中文学校举办由华裔青少年主持的45选区国会众议员候选人辩论会。这又是我在国内完全没有接触过的政治活动,在国内我唯一能够通过自己的能力接近政治活动就是在初一的时候有幸能被选为团市委组织的“青少年智囊团”的一员体验了一下在国内如何了解政治,但在国内你并不能实实在在地影响到任何政府决策,最多也只是对于一些政策提出的背景能有所了解,而在这里最大的不同就是你确确实实能够听到各个有不同从政背景或仅有服务民众热情侯选人的演讲甚至能与他们进行一对一的提问,并能听取不同候选人就同一问题的辩论。
        Although since the childhood I have heard that the United States have greatly different from the domestic political aspect, this not only reflected in the way the government works, more in the house of representatives and the senate election democracy in deep into the heart of people. The election of these MPS is a direct election to the electorate, so candidates tend to vote directly in each constituency. That is because in this way can I have the honor to attend to in irvine, California, Chinese youth organization "incubator" of Chinese future leader of planning and leading, on Saturday (May 5) held in irvine Chinese school hosted by Chinese teenagers 45 constituencies congressional candidates debate. This is I have no contact with politics at home, at home I can only through their own ability to the political activity is in the first to be selected as the pku organized "teenagers think tank" a member of the experience in how to understand the domestic politics, but at home you can not really affect any government decision-making, best can know something about the background for some policy, and in here, the biggest different is that you can actually hear each have different political background or only service people can even enthusiastic candidate's speech one-on-one with them to ask questions, And can listen to different candidates on the same issue of debate.
        By the time we got to the venue, the venue was already full, and people of all colors were predominantly Asian. Although the venue was small but there were more than a hundred people present, some people who could not find a seat chose to stand quietly and listen carefully to the process.
       This activity is a special voters in the face of the Chinese community, and as a mastermind of the event is a number of high school student, I am the same age of each candidate they want to help voters know district politics, at the same time also is to let the candidate know Asian community concerns issues, win voters favor the good chance.
       国会45区John Graham,Katie Porter,Kia Hamadanchy及David Min(韩裔:闵大卫)四位侯选人出席了辩论会。其中有三位都是来自民主党,虽然这三人的立场几乎是相同的,当然各人有着不同的侧重点。有为争取扭转共和党糟糕的税收法案而努力;有为捍卫奥巴马医疗保险计划而斗争;也有支持禁止使用攻击性武器,提出实行强制性背景检查;更有涉及如何保持并进一步提高尔湾公立教育水平的政见。
         Four candidates, John Graham, Katie Porter, Kia Hamadanchy and David Min (south Korean: Min David), were present at the debate. Three of them are from the Democratic Party, although the three positions are almost identical, each with a different focus. There are efforts to reverse the republican tax bill. Fighting to defend obamacare; There is also bend for the prohibition of the use of assault weapons and the introduction of mandatory background checks; More on how to maintain and further improve the public education level in the Irvine.
       FCLA especially welcomes parents and children from Chinese communities to come to the debate, not only to communicate with the candidates face-to-face, but also to get the hours of community service. In this regard,In China there are few people at the grassroots level, let alone us teenagers. Oliver, a senior youth volunteer at a Chinese community here, said that his first contact with politics was in high school when he was a volunteer volunteer, and he had never been in politics before. He helped the former California senator, who is now mayor of the Irvine, leaflet on the street. Then there was a keen interest in politics. Now the major in the university is political science, so it is said that participating in the volunteer experience has a great influence on Oliver's university volunteering.
       The american-born Chinese second generation don't have any language barrier, no cultural barriers, and excellent education background and professional knowledge. If we take part in community affairs and practice democratic election politics, we will become the main force of Chinese participation in politics in the future. I believe that they will also achieve greater success than their parents, and make further efforts for the promotion of our Chinese overseas political status. Above is the process and some thoughts of watching this activity, and I hope to participate more actively in different political activities in the future.


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