作者James 梁,一个在美国学习、生活的15岁孩子。就在前两天(1/20/2019)我很有幸被邀请参加了由“自由君----《随口说美国》美国陪读群”在上海组织的江、浙、沪线下活动,该活动主题是《爱、陪伴与成长》。我和其他两位年龄相仿的同学分别在美国东、西两岸通过ZOOM软件进行一系列视频直播,我们的一些经历引起了大家的共鸣。今天我就想借着公众号的平台,和关注我的读者们一起来分享一下这些直播内容,接下来我就和大家聊聊近三年美国留学过程中踩到的那些“坑”。
Just two days ago (1/20/2019), I was very lucky to be invited to participate in the offline activities organized by "free gentleman -- random talk about America" in Shanghai. The theme of this activity is "love, company, and growth". I and two other students of the same age carried out a series of video live broadcasts on the east and west sides of the United States through ZOOM, and some of our experiences struck a chord with everyone. Today, I would like to use the platform of the public account to share these live broadcast contents with the readers who follow me. Next, I would like to talk about the "wrong place" I stepped on during my study in the United States in the past three years. 第一个“坑”就是: 我不抄别人但给同学抄抄作业,没什么大不了吧? I do not copy others but to the student's copy homework, no big deal? 在美国自己作弊和帮助别人作弊同样都是一大忌惮,帮助别人作弊甚至会被老师更严重警告:“帮助别人作弊比自己作弊更为恶劣。”当我刚到美国没多久的时候,我就曾犯过这样的错误。在初中八年级时,我来美国没有多久,也没有交到很多朋友。就有这么一天有一个我曾经打过交道的白人同学坐在了我的旁边并抱怨道:“啊,昨天的作业好难啊!总感觉我什么都没学过。“而我听到了这句话心中升起了一个念头:“这些数学题我早就学过了,我能不能帮他一下顺便交这个朋友。”于是我和他打了个眼色后,便把我做完的作业偷偷递了过去。没想到眼尖的老师瞬间看到了这个动作,立刻把我们揪出来了并严重的警告了我们。 In the United States, cheating and helping others to cheat is also a big fear, help others to cheat will even be a teacher more serious warning: "help others to cheat is worse than their own cheating. I made this mistake shortly after I arrived in the United States. In eighth grade, I didn't come to America for long and I didn't make many friends. One day a white classmate I used to deal with sat next to me and complained, "oh, yesterday's homework was so hard! I always feel like I haven't learned anything. "When I heard this, a thought came to my mind:" I have learned these math problems for a long time, can I help him make this friend by the way? So I and he made a look, then I finished the homework secretly handed in the past. Unexpectedly, the sharp-eyed teacher saw this action immediately and pulled us out and warned us severely. 第二个“坑”就是:美国是个言论自由的国家,想说什么是我的自由 America is a country of free speech. What is my freedom 记得我在国内时,同学开玩笑说一些过激的语言,如“看我不打死你......”等等,国内家长和老师只当孩子说说而已,不会有什么。而在美国,此类攻击性的语言在校规中是被严令禁止的,被攻击者很可能会报警保护自己。就比如说曾经有一个德国裔同学在课后曾对我的一个朋友进行了类似种族歧视的侮辱,后来我的同学就长了个心眼,悄悄带了一个录音笔,没过几天这个德国裔学生就被叫去了办公室,最后几个星期都没能见到他想必是被停学处理了。 I remember when I was in China, my classmates joked about some radical language, such as "look, I won't shoot you... "Wait, domestic parents and teachers just talk like children, will not have what. In the United States, such offensive language is strictly prohibited in school rules, and the attacker may call the police to protect himself. Just as there was a German student after class of a friend of mine had similar racial discrimination insult, my classmate later long a mind's eye, quietly took a voice recorder, a few days later the German students went to the office was called, the last few weeks have failed to see him must be dealt with being suspended. 第三个“坑”就是:过分谦虚 Too humble 在国内,谦虚被讲成是美德。大家觉得你如果不谦虚,就显得你这个人骄傲自满。可是在美国后,你千万不要觉得你谦虚也会被美国人看成是美德。如果你在某方面很优秀的话,你千万不要谦虚说自己不行。因为在美国提倡的是个人主义,他们非常看好身上有闪光点的学生而且十分的注重在特长方面的培养。不像在国内在乎的是全面发展要求的是全面发展。所以尽量把握住任何能表现出自己的闪光点的机会。 At home, modesty is spoken of as a virtue. People think that if you are not modest, it shows that you are conceited. But after the United States, you must not feel that you will be humble Americans as a virtue. If you are good at something, you should never say you are not good enough. Because what they advocate in the United States is individualism, they are very optimistic about students who have bright points and pay great attention to the cultivation of their specialties. Unlike at home, where we care about all-round development, we want all-round development. So make the most of any opportunity to shine. 第四个“坑”就是:关于是否需要向老师勤问问题? About whether to need to ask the teacher frequently question? 在美国的老师都期待学生勤问问题,这是在美国留学必备的习惯。如果在课堂上没理解某项知识点或者你希望教授重复讲授某项知识,就一定要在课堂上主动提出或者是在课后主动询问老师。这一点特别重要,勤问问题既能和老师进行及时沟通而且也能让老师更熟悉你,能让老师知道你是一个在乎这门课的学生。 Teachers in the United States expect students to ask a lot of questions. If you don't understand something in class or you want the professor to repeat something, be sure to ask the teacher in class or after class. This is especially important. Asking questions frequently can not only help you communicate with the teacher in time but also make the teacher more familiar with you and let the teacher know that you are a student who CARES about this course.
最后一个“小坑”就是:不要轻易在课本上做笔记 Don't easily make notes in the textbook 在国内时,老师和家长都非常愿意甚至是十分高兴看到同学们在书本上做标记。因为这能证明,孩子对学习是认真的,用功的;但是,在美国就不能这样了。要知道,在美国的所有课本或书价格都十分昂贵,基本保持在三位数,而且是美元哟!每年学期初你可以向学校借用课本,但是学期末你还给学校的图书馆时被发现了某课本上有明显损伤时,比如少了一页、多处笔记或划痕之类的,你就不得不承受这三位数的费用了。 In China, teachers and parents are very willing and even very happy to see students mark their books. Because it can prove that the child is serious about learning, hard work; But not in the United States. You know, in the United States all textbooks or books are very expensive, basically maintained in the three figures, and is the dollar yo! You can borrow a textbook from the school at the beginning of each semester, but when you return it to the school library at the end of the semester and it is found that there is a significant damage to the textbook, such as missing a page, multiple notes or scratches, you will have to bear the three-figure cost. 这些大概就是我这次分享的主要内容了,希望这些内容能给将要来美国留学的学生和家长们一点点帮助。 These are the main contents I want to share this time. I hope these contents can give some help to the students and their parents who are going to study in the United States.